How Does CCPA Impact B2B Marketers?

There is a lot happening in the world of data compliance.  Being a content-centric lead generation platform for B2B marketers, my team and I are responsible for capturing, filtering, scrubbing, and dynamically fulfilling millions of fully-permissioned data-points on a daily basis. As a result, we go to great lengths to keep ourselves up-to-date on every […]

Why It Matters How Companies Capture and Handle Personal Data 

On May 25, 2018, the European Union’s historic data reformation went into effect.  Better known as GDPR, General Data Protection Regulation introduced new oversight into how businesses operating on EU soil needed to handle and protect consumer data. Despite the fact that these policies didn’t immediately affect American citizens, the ripple effect could be felt […]

Marketer Showcase: Carolina Alves of Aggreko

Hearing and sharing the marketing perspectives of our clients has always been an essential element in NetLine’s DNA. They serve as an initiator for brainstorming, provide access to current trends, and are a reminder to consider the humans behind the brand. From game-changing strategies to the evolution of content marketing, we’re excited to share our […]