Category Archives: INTENTIVE

How to Keep Up with B2B’s Latest 2024 Trends

We’re all familiar with the language used when it comes to keeping up with trends. In this rapidly evolving landscape of B2B marketing. Check. Staying informed about the latest trends and strategies is crucial. Check. In these unprecedented ti-wait, that was during COVID. Scratch that one. Anyway, everyone is trying their best to stay ahead […]

How INTENTIVE’s Buyer-Level Intent Insights are Driving Revenue

When we introduced INTENTIVE, our intention (yes, pun intended) was to change how B2B marketing gets done.  In this blog, we’ll share some of the exciting results and new developments taking place within the INTENTIVE platform, and how it’s making waves by providing real-time insights into active intent within B2B accounts. Unmatched Performance of INTENTIVE […]

How to Take Action as Google Deprecates Cookies

“And so it begins.” In the first few quiet days of 2024, Google began disabling cookies for 1% of users on its flagship browser, Chrome. Considering that Chrome is the primary browser for 64.73% of global Internet users according to StatCounter, that’s no ordinary 1%. The future has arrived. Not with a bang, but a […]