An Inside Look: The Making Content Marketing Convert Report

Look closer and discover the 10 things you need to know about making your content marketing convert into leads.

Recently, NetLine partnered with the CMO Council and BPI Network to better understand what drives conversion within content marketing. The result was a 26-page report titled Making Content Marketing Convert, a break down of how your organization can improve its demand gen process to better serve you and your customers.  We know how valuable these […]

The ABCs of ABM: What It Is and How You Can Use It

Learn how the basics of ABM can help you lock onto your desired business targets.

As one of NetLine’s Business Development Representatives, Karleigh Garza Vanderford spends a lot of time on LinkedIn. She’s always connecting with the marketing team to share interesting perspectives and educating us on the challenges of the market before they’re making industry headlines. It’s this reason that Karleigh came to me and asked if we could […]

What to Do When the World Flips Your Plans Upside Down

Following COVID-19, we find ourselves looking at the B2B world with very different glasses.

Life in North America and around the globe has changed. In a matter of days, if not minutes, the plans we’d made and the events we looked forward to (both personally and professionally) hit pause. The first domino to fall was SXSW; Google’s I/O and Facebook’s F8 followed suit. These were major “whoa” moments in […]

It’s a Match! How to Find B2B Leads You’ll Love

In the world of B2B marketing, marketers might think romance is dead.  Poor marketers.  All they want is for everyone to love them, especially their intended buyers. They yearn for true connection, yet all they find is having to settle for prospects who aren’t really interested and being caught in the struggle to keep the […]

What to Do After You’ve Generated a Lead

A dog with its ball is like generating a B2B lead: there's more work to do once you've got it.

It finally happened.  The opportunity you’d been chasing for weeks, heck, even months, officially became a lead. Bravo to you and your team. That moment can bring about a sigh of relief. But just like a dog who’s finally caught his tail, or fetched that elusive ball, a question still remains: now what? 7 Things […]