Category Archives: Intent Data

How to Connect INTENTIVE Insights to Salesforce

INTENTIVE shortens B2B sales cycles and simplifies life for both marketing and sales professionals. By delivering unparalleled business insights via buyer-level intent signals and behaviors, INTENTIVE truly accelerates sales outcomes. But none of this matters unless you’re able to actually get your hands on the buyer-level intent insights the platform offers. Using INTENTIVE’s Buyer-Level Insights […]

Finding & Using Buyer Intent Keywords for Your Target Audience

Did you know that 51% of consumers go on Google during their buying journey? With the ubiquity of Alaphabet’s most well-known company, that figure is surprisingly low. Regardless, the point remains: Buyers turn to Google to make informed purchasing decisions and actively look for advice, reviews, and recommendations before they pull out their credit cards. […]

How Buyer-Level Intent Data Saves Sales Time and Rejection

Buyer-level intent data allows sales teams to cut down on the amount of time they spend prospecting, doing cold outreach, and waiting weeks to hear from prospective buyers. Leveraging buyer-level intent simplifies the lives of everyone involved in the sales process—especially the consumer, who gets a more tailored group of messages that better suit their […]

How to Prepare Yourself for the Post-Cookie World

  “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is, I don’t know which half.” – John Wanamaker John Wanamaker was considered to be a marketing guru long before there were marketing gurus. (It would have been a real treat to see him use Twitter.) But Mr. Wanamaker had a great point. […]