Category Archives: Content Marketing

Your 2017 Content Marketing Insights Guide for B2B Marketers

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Gain data-driven insights to optimize your demand generation content strategy. In the past 12 months, long-form business content engagement and download activity increased by 36%. Further, 51% of the active audience consumed more than one piece of content and 20% consumed five or more pieces of content. The demand for long-form content to service the […]

B2B Marketers: Your Lead Generation Strategy is Missing Key Influencers


New research proves B2B marketers are making mistakes with their targeting strategy that harms lead generation, pipeline development, and revenue potential. [Post originally appeared on Marketing Insider Group] As a B2B marketer, one of the primary goals for your department is to run lead generation initiatives to fill your pipeline with revenue driving opportunities. Most […]

Optimizing Your Demand Generation Strategy with New Content Research

Research proves B2B marketers are making major mistakes with their content-based demand generation strategy. Robert Alvin, CEO and Founder of NetLine Corporation shares some new insights and research to show how marketers can optimize their content. *Post originally appeared on MarTech Advisor. Show of hands, what marketers made tactical changes to their demand generation strategy […]